Online Suggestion Box open til March 10

The countdown has officially begun: only four months until Boston hosts Pride Week 2011 and we’re reaching out to YOU to help us come up with this year’s theme. Last year’s theme, “From Riots to Rights: Celebrating 40 Years of Progress” helped to remind the LGBT community how far we’ve come and what strides we’ve made for ourselves. We hope that this year’s theme can be just as powerful and moving. In the wake of the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ repeal, there’s no telling the limit of change that can be made for the LGBT community.

This is your chance to be heard and and make your mark on our Pride Week festivities. Be creative, get the juices flowing and submit your Theme suggestion by March 10. And don’t forget to come back mid-March to vote for your favorite Theme!
Submit your Theme idea now.